Igniting Dialogue, Inspiring Change.
The expansion to Brussels marks an exciting new chapter for the Cyprus Forum, an annual forum dedicated to fostering dialogue and driving impactful change. As an extension of the Cyprus Forum series, the addition of Brussels signifies our commitment to broadening our reach and engaging with diverse perspectives on critical issues.
Since its inception, the Cyprus Forum has been at the forefront of facilitating discussions and collaboration among policymakers, academics, civil society representatives, and thought leaders. By establishing a presence in Brussels, we aim to further amplify these conversations, drawing upon the dynamic energy and expertise of this global hub.
Whether you’re in Brussels, Cyprus, or beyond, your voice matters. Let’s come together to drive impactful conversations and shape a better future for all. Join us in igniting dialogue and inspiring change.
Giulia Bertezzolo
Head of Unit European Commission
Zsolt Darvas
Senior Fellow at Bruegel and Senior Research Fellow at Corvinus University of Budapest
Loucas Fourlas
Member of the European Parliament
Ian Lesser
The German Marshall Fund of the United States Vice President
Amanda Paul
Deputy Head of the Europe in the World Programme & Senior Policy Analyst European Policy Centre (EPC)
Harry Tzimitras
Director, PRIO Cyprus Centre Senior Fellow, Atlantic Council PRIO Cyprus Centre